16th Annual Worksite Wellness Conference

'Power Up with Wellbeing'

THANK YOU to everyone who attended our conference this year! It was so great to spend the day networking, learning, and celebrating another great year.

The First Coast Worksite Wellness Council and title sponsor, Florida Blue, were honored to host the 16th Annual Worksite Wellness Conference and Healthiest Companies Luncheon on May 8th, 2024, at the Florida Blue Conference Center.

The health of our local organizations and their employees makes a huge impact on the First Coast community's ability to grow and thrive. Our goals with this conference are:

  • Attendees will leave feeling empowered to make lasting change in the lives of their families, workplace and community
  • Empower organizations of all sizes to create a healthier environment for their employees and promote a culture of health and well-being
  • Present evidence-based programs that improve employee health and productivity
  • Educate wellness professionals on industry trends and best practices to improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of their wellness program

Conference Highlights

Keynote Speaker

Laura Putnam - You DO Have the Power

Laura is a leading voice for well-being at work, an international public speaker and author of Workplace Wellness That Works. As CEO of Motion Infusion and creator of the leadership training program Managers on the Move, she infuses well-being and vitality into the workplace to help employees, teams and organizations thrive.

Breakout Sessions

Michael Longyear Burnout on the Brain

In this discussion, we looked at the neuroscience behind burnout, and its impact on mental health and productivity. We gained insights into identifying signs of burnout and effective strategies for prevention and recovery. We also learned simple "NeuroHacks" to improve brain performance and prevent neural fatigue and burnout. 

Melanie Wood Empowering Healthy Habits to Transform Workplace Culture 

This session focused on how fostering healthy habits can positively influence workplace culture and how we all want to be part of a happy, healthy workforce! Sometimes, with all the demands of life what we want and how we live don't quite align. Many of us want to change but have a difficult time making lasting, meaningful changes. This breakout session empowered employees to make positive changes that can impact employee health, performance, and retention. 

Angela Nieves Intention + Attention = Retention: Room E 2024 Well-Being Trends to Support a Regenerative and Thriving Workplace and Workforce

In this presentation we looked at the dynamic landscape of work and where employee well-being and organizational health are paramount. This presentation ignited attendees with a renewed sense of purpose. As the expectations of the workforce evolve and complexities multiply, it's crucial to establish clear objectives and maintain an unwavering focus on goals.

Scott Liebman & Rachel Steele Powering Up Well-being for Working Parents: Strategies for Employers 

This session focused on being a working parent/aspiring parent while navigating work/life and well-being. We learned how to create a supportive workplace culture that addresses the unique challenges faced by employees balancing work and family responsibilities. 

Matthew Snook Worksite Wellness Broadening the Message

This session examined the topic of traditional approaches to "wellness" and how they have often been too narrow and have provided little hard evidence of meaningful ROI. We explored innovative approaches to broaden the message of worksite wellness initiatives and gained insights into reaching diverse audiences and effectively communicating the importance of wellbeing in the workplace. This session discussed the data behind why this is very important right now, the motivations of employers pursuing this path, as well as some of the many approaches being used to successfully address all these key aspects of wellness.


Anthony AustinFirst Coast News

Anthony Austin joined First Coast News in January 2016 as an anchor and reporter. He currently anchors the evening newscasts. The most memorable assignment Anthony’s done was his visit to Iraq. For a week, he spent time with soldiers from Fort Hood, Texas as they prepared to come home. He told their stories, sharing what they were doing for the United States with viewers in Texas. Anthony was there as they returned home to their loved ones. Outside of work, Anthony is a lover of good food and company. You can find him enjoying the restaurants and beautiful beaches in the Jacksonville area.

Florida Blue Presenter

Gay Poe

Gay Poe is Sr. Director of Health Promotion and Wellness at Florida Blue. Gay has responsibility for Employer Wellness Solutions for employer groups with Florida Blue Insurance & Wellness Strategy. She directs the development, implementation and performance of evidence based, data driven employer health and wellness solutions to drive engagement in health care and activate behaviors for healthier outcomes. Gay is also a key driver for enterprise-wide innovative health solutions to re-imagine member engagement through digital solutions, voice assistant technology, and human centered design to improve the health care experience and deliver on our company mission to “help people and communities achieve better health”. Gay has a master’s degree in Nutrition, bachelor’s in Psychology, and is a Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist. She also holds the WELL AP certification for WELL built communities. 

The First Coast Worksite Wellness Council, Inc. would like to thank all of our amazing sponsors, exhibitors and others who made the conference possible through their generous donations!

Thank You to Our 2024-2025 Sponsors!


Florida Blue


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